Sunday, October 27, 2019

ShayKay's Review of What Happens in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand

What Happens in Paradise

Synopsis (From Cover)

Irene Steele is still recovering from the shock of her life: her loving husband, the father to their frown sons and successful businessman, was killed in a helicopter crash. But that wasn't Irene's only shattering news: he'd also been leading a double life on the island of St. John, where another woman loved him, too.

Now Irene and her sons are on St. John, determined to learn the truth about the mysterious death - and life - of a man they thought they knew. Along the way, they're about to discover some surprising truths about their own lives and their futures.

Lush with tropical details, romance, and drama, What Happens in Paradise is another immensely satisfying page-turner from one of America's most believed storytellers.

Thoughts Before Reading

It's been a minute since I've actually had a chance to do a little thought before reading the book. So let's jump into it. I've been dying to jump into this book as soon as I finished the first book! Last year I got the first book through the Book of the Month, and I'm so glad that I picked it up! This book was intense, so when the second book popped up on Book of the Month for October I just had to get it! I need to know where the book goes after that last cliff hanger! Plus with everything going on with work and school I love being able to just sit down and read a book whenever I get a little quiet time. Let's see how long it takes me to read it.

Midway Check-In

I'm almost in the middle of the book now and guys I'm so hooked, which is so great! My goal is to finish this book this weekend, but I have some homework to do too so I don't know if I will have time. But doggy class is canceled this weekend and we aren't really planning to go anywhere so it is still somewhat doable! So I believe that my biggest annoyance in the first book was definitely Baker and even though I haven't read that much of his excerpts yet he already annoys the crap out me, you guys! I love Cash and I will always vote for him over Baker, but Baker is literally the most selfish human being! He is definitely one of those characters you are supposed to be annoyed with and let me tell ya I hate him. Even the parts that are supposed to make me feel bad for him I have no emotion because that's how much I dislike this guy! If Ayers doesn't see this and doesn't stop thinking about him it is going to drive me nuts! Cash seems like the sweetest he deserves so much more! I think I would totally ship Irene and Huck together though, I think I want that to happen. I'm not sure yet, I love how during his parts he just thinks about her randomly but she is more reserved about it.

After Thoughts

I really hope this book has another one in the series. Just like with the first one in this series the book ended in a cliff hanger, I just don't think it was as huge of a cliff hanger as the last book did. I really want to see how everything is tied up. I think with this one I actually started to care for Baker which is huge cause I really hate his character! I'm in love with Irene, Cash, and Huck's stories and I cannot read them fast enough. But I'll admit that I don't think this is the same Irene that we had in the first book, she seemed more hesitant and I just wanted more for her character. I felt so bad for Huck as the story went on, he was my favorite character in this one for sure! Cash's character also expanded in this story and I loved how it went. I just feel like there is so much that there has to be done that there just has to be another book, I just have no clue how it is going to end. I think it would be interesting if Rosie and Russ just shows up in order to save their families, but there isn't much that can be done right now for Irene.

I love this series so much! I just don't know how the next book is going to go I assume it is going to start tying up more of the loose ends that didn't get straightened out in this book but I don't know if there is going to be another book.

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