Monday, December 16, 2019

ShayKay's November 2019 Book Haul

A New Series?

Since I have all this new empty shelf space in my life I've decided to do something a little bit different on how I organize my books. I've decided to move around the books on my crate shelf and make the second crate mt new books I've bought. This is great because I can see how many I buy each month and I'm also going to use it as a budget thing, so if I fill the crate up then I'm not allowed to buy more books in that month. I really haven't been that bad going overboard on buying books anymore, especially since I can see my books I have all the time. I don't love my bookshelf yet I think I need to rearrange the rest of the bookcase but for now, it's not looking too bad. There is definitely no organization to this bookcase right now other than the first crate is my read BOTM books and the second crate is the book haul books for the month. I don't know if I want to rearrange it into alphabetical order or just leave it a mess because there are three crates that I just love how they are (their even somewhat in order), two that are just thrown in there, and then there is just an empty one. It's definitely a work in progress. But the book haul crate hast to be the second one because I didn't want it on the floor and I want it to be a stacked crate, not a row crate so it just made sense to me. So without any further ado let's get into this book haul for the month.

Books! :)

The first two books I got this month are Save the Date and Us Against You. I was lucky enough to take my baby brother shopping this weekend and we had to stop at the bookstore. But I can't leave that store without getting me something so I got two books and a new mug. I've been wanting to read Save the Date for a little while now when I see a book that is on my TBR pile in the clearance section it is so hard to pass them up! Us Against You was definitely a splurge buy cause look at this cover! It is insanely beautiful and I haven't read the first book, Beartown, yet. I just feel like I have to love this author because there is so much hype between them.

Save the Date Us Against You (Beartown, #2)

My next set of books I got came from the Book of the Month! The actual Book of the Month book that I picked for November was Get a Life, Chloe Brown. I swear every month when I see the spoilers for the month I think I'm going to skip it for the month but then they are launched on the website and I actually look into them and I always find one that I think will be interesting. This is how I found Things You Save in a Fire, The Wife Between Us, Well Met, and even A Woman is No Man. All of these were 4 out of 5 or 5 out of 5 stars! The next one I have been wanting to read for a little while now and it is relatively new still, and that is Frankly in Love. Let me tell you guys the day after I placed my order I saw this book at Walmart and I was so freaking bummed that I didn't buy it in-store because it had sprayed edges!!!! This is my new obsession and I love this trend so much! Anyways I think this book is going to be right up my ally because this trope just seems like my genre at the moment. Then my final book, yes I splurged this month and got three books, was a rebuy sort of. I had a copy of Ready Player One but I gave it to my cousin, I read it and it was the movie cover and I just didn't want it anymore. But as soon as I got rid of it I pretty much kept telling myself I would get the BOTM version every month I but I never did it. Well, I finally did it and I'm so glad! This is another one that is my favorite book and I reread it all the time. It's also one of those rare books that I love the movie just as much as I love the book and I think that's because their completely different yet have a lot of the same scenes tied in. I think this is another thing that I want to do with my blog is comparing the movies to the books which I know is an old thing but I really like this and one of my all-time favorite things to do is point out these differences. Anyways this being only the fourth day into the month I think I'm doing pretty good with books but bad with my money! 


Guys let me tell you all something, and most of you might even know what I mean when I'm frustrated I like to buy things especially books! The bookstore is my happy place and I love going to it whenever I get the chance. I even use it as a motivation a lot for work because when I don't want to go to work and I really want to call in I compromise with myself by saying if I go to work then I can go to the bookstore on lunch. Well, last week I had some extra money from my last paycheck so of course, I had to! Plus I had a $5 off of $25 and I don't know why but these coupons always pull me in and also give me a limit to spend because I have to spend $25 to get the $5 off! This is just how my brain works, and I can't help it. This time at the bookstore I first picked up How to Walk Away by Katherine Center. Ever since I read Things to Save in a Fire by Center I wanted to pick her other book up too and I was really debating on getting it through BOTM for my December box because I just really wanted to try her other book out since I loved the other one so much! So when I was walking through the discounted books aisle and I saw this red book in the stacks that looked so similar I had to pick it up. I looked at it and I was like OMG! I was just about to spend my $10 add on for this book and this one was only $5. I was thrilled to find this one! Since this was a must buy and I had that coupon I needed to find something else to get my total to $25, even though I could've walked away with just this book and call this trip a success! My next stop in the store was the YA section. Since Christmas is coming and I'm going to start reading my Christmas books soon I thought about The Afterlife of Holly Chase, I figured this book should be about $10 since it came out the previous year and I never had the chance to get it last year. I ended up finding a hardback copy that was used in the stacks so it was only $4.50! I was so excited and I just had to get it! My last book was definitely a struggle for me. I had no clue what to get and the ones that I really wanted would be way too much. So I walked around a bit and I was carrying Part of Your World, something that I really wanted to get but I wasn't sure if I wanted to pay for it yet. I went and looked at the Kiss Quotient and I'm not gonna lie I stood there in aisle with both books and debated which one I wanted to get, the Kiss Quotient was $15 while Part of Your World was $17. So I started looking on Amazon to see what the two were on ebook because I wanted the best deal and I ended up getting Part of Your World because I wanted it more and the Kiss Quotient would be cheaper as an add on for BOTM! At least this is the conclusion that I came too while debating books.

How to Walk Away The Afterlife of Holly Chase Part of Your World

***I'm so sorry this is late posting! Finals week had me in its clutches and I just escaped! Hopefully I can catch up on some reading during this Christmas break!

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