Sunday, May 17, 2020

ShayKay's Review of Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1)
Goodreads: Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the unplanned hiatus. I've not really been in a reading slump I've just been swamped with school work, looking for a job, and working on my Sims blog. My plan was to come out with a Harry Potter review and a book versus movie post, and although I am working on it I couldn't pass up the chance to read this book! I have been wanting to read this series since I've heard about it but I've been determined to buy them because I think they look adorable and would be amazing on my bookshelf, but they are so expensive! The physical copies are like $15 and the eBooks are even $11 and I just cannot talk myself into spending that kind of money on an author that I've never read anything from, and to top it off they are like novella length. I have nothing against novellas, I actually prefer smaller books because it is harder for it to lose my attention, but that is a lot of money! But my library had it available so I pounced on the chance to read it! It sounds like it will be right up my ally. I think if I like the book I might buy the whole series once I get a job, but until then if a book is free and I'm interested I'm all over it! 

Another thing that really has kept me from buying it is that I can never find it in stock when I'm at the book store ready to splurge on a book. If my bookstore had it I would've already had it. I was convinced they just didn't sell these books, but the newest one was on the shelf last time I was at the bookstore, months ago before all of this stuff started. 

Book Synopsis (From GoodReads)

Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children
No Solicitations
No Visitors
No Quests

Children have always disappeared under the right conditions; slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe, tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells, and emerging somewhere.... else. 

But magical lands have little need for used-up miracle children.

Nancy tumbled once, but now she's back. The things she's experienced.... they change a person. The children under Miss West's care understand all too well. And each of them is seeking a way back to their own fantasy worl.d

But Nancy's arrival marks a change at the Home. There's a darkness just around each corner, and when tragedy strikes, it's up to Nancy and her new-found schoolmates to get to the heart of the matter.

No matter the cost.

After Thoughts

I cannot do an in the middle thoughts about the book because they are so short, they are written like novellas so their only 150-200 pages. I loved it, but it was so weird. Going into the book I knew that they had fairytale aspects to them but I wasn't really sure how. To be honest from reading the synopsis from the book I really got Miss Peregrine vibes. But actually reading the book the only thing that they had similar was that they involved a boarding house. While reading the book I definitely saw how the fairytales played into it. This first book primarily on Nancy who was from the land of the dead, I think. From this first book, I saw that it set up the world about how this whole system works. They said that the kids go to a magic world that is fit for them but once they come back they usually can't go back to the magical world. I've been really interested in how it works and I can't wait to start the next book! This first one is really detailed and I think it opened up which characters that you will be following. I don't normally like it when book series follows different characters because I get attached and then they change it. I'm really curious about the next book because of how this one ended. I'm trying to stay spoiler-free so if you've read this book you know what happens with everyone, and by the end of the book, I really liked Nancy. I wasn't sure about her in the beginning but I really fell in love with her, Sumi, Kade, Christopher, and Jack. 

I also loved the writing style throughout the entire book. It was so descriptive and easy to keep me interested. I loved the pace of the book too. Even though it was a novella you didn't feel rushed or like anything was left out. It was actually really detailed, especially compared to some of the books that are hundreds and hundreds of pages long. I'm going to finish the ones that are already published, hopefully over the next week or two. I have summer classes so I can graduate in the fall so one of my classes will start Monday. I will definitely finish one this weekend. 

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