Sunday, August 9, 2020

BOTM Back List

I have been mentioning how I have a bunch of Book of the Month books that I need to read that I've gotten throughout the months and I've just not picked up yet. OR I picked up and wasn't feeling it so it went back to the pile so since I haven't had that much content coming out I thought it would be nice to talk about these books. Let me start with the books that I've picked up and for some reason, I just put them back.

Let's Start with Accidental DNF's

Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano

This one might end up being a forever DNF unfortunately. I really loved the idea of this book and really wanted to read it. I just think it sounds so good and so many people loved it that I should love it too. There were parts that I adored and couldn't get enough of such as all of the Harry Potter references. Like I said I really love the idea of this book, but I just could not get into it. I even read most of the books and just fell out of it. I ended up putting it down to read something else and I'm not completely sure which one I ended up reading but I kept telling myself that I was going to come back to this one but I just couldn't pick it back up. I was just so bored with it. I haven't officially decided to DNF it just yet but I'm pretty sure that is was is probably going to happen. Until then it's sitting on my TBR shelf.

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

I picked up All the Bright Places because I saw it was going to be a movie and I wanted to read it. It sounds really interesting. I picked it up once but I just didn't feel like reading it so I just dropped it. I'm still interested in reading it but I'm just not in the mood to read it now. 

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver

I loved Josie Silver's One Day in December and just knew I was going to pick this one up if it was a BOTM pick and I did. I loved the idea of this book so much but it did one of the things that I just despise. It told me that she was basically living two lives and I was wondering how she was going to do it. Well, it took the easy way out and decided that drugs were the cause of it. I honestly just got tired of the book. I didn't make it far into it but I may pick it back up soon and restart it. I haven't given up on it but it was an unplanned DNF. I'm really curious how it is going to play out I just feel like it is going to be really predictable. 

The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager

This one hurts me to admit but I kind of put it down. Really recently too. I've just been so busy that I just couldn't give this the time that I really wanted too and because of that I just fell out of it. Sometimes it happens which is why I don't do DNF's since most of the time I walk away from a book but I eventually come back to it. 

TBR Pile

I probably should've started with this one. This is going to be the main list of books that I have sitting on my TBR shelf from BOTM that I'm just behind on OR I have plans but I have to read other books first. So let's do newest to oldest and then we will have one last section at the end of ones I just don't think I'm interested in anymore. 

The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes by Elissa R. Sloan

I think this book is going to be pretty interesting it reminds me a lot of Evelyn Hugo which I freaking adored so I kind of really want to pick it up as soon as it gets here and maybe even reread Hugo while I wait for this one to arrive!

The Night Swim by Megan Goldin

I'm just really hooked on crime shows right now. I've been watching Kendall Rae on YouTube almost 24/7 it feels like because I really just find it fascinating. I actually have a degree in criminal justice. 

What You Wish For by Katherine Center

I've become obsessed with Katherine Center as soon as I picked up Things You Save in a Fire so I have no clue why I haven't picked this one up already. I think I just have too many options that I'm just overwhelmed right now plus real life is intervening. But I've heard such great things about this one and can't wait to jump into it.

Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein

I picked this one up because I really wanted the add-ons and in order to get those I needed a pick so this is what I went with. However, it doesn't sound too bad. It sounds pretty interesting and I would love to pick it up. I'm a sucker for figure skating. I don't know why I just find it fascinating so a book about it sounds really interesting. 

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

Although I haven't read this book yet it started my obsession with Sager. I picked it up because it sounds really good and after I had it I thought I really need to read his other books (I already had Final Girl but I hadn't read it then). So when I read Final Girls I became obsessed and have been slowly adding all of his books as add-ons. After doing this post I realized I really need to cool it on the add-ons and get this back under control. 

Happy & You Know It by Laura Hankin

Happy and You Know It is another book that I picked up because I wanted the add-ons and this one sounded pretty interesting but now I'm starting to question my decision on it. I need to read it before it ends up hanging out on my shelf permanently.

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon

I'm still really interested in this book and I think it is going to be pretty good I just need to read it.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

To be honest the past year or two anything about a wedding that sounded remotely interesting to me I picked up because I was getting married. I was planning my wedding. But since I got this book I have gotten married and well it didn't go as I planned and I kind of get weird about them now. I don't know if I'm a little heartbroken that it didn't turn out as I planned. I think to be fair I love how my wedding ended up I really did. But since then I've realized that we have missed out on a lot of experiences that I wish we would've had and in wedding books, they get to experience them and that is why I haven't picked it up. I know this isn't a traditional love story since it's a murder book and I want to pick it up because of that. Fun story I actually took this to my wedding with me I just ended up picking up another book while I was there instead. 

The Holdout by Graham Moore

When We Were Vikings by Andrew David MacDonald

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

I think this book should have technically been up under the Accidental TBR books because I was honestly curious about this book and I've read a chapter or two but I haven't continued on with it. Plus I lost my copy for a little bit but I found it and its back on the TBR pile. 

Frankly in Love by David Yoon

Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

Books I'm Just Not that Interested In Anymore

If Only I Could Tell You by Hannah Beckerman

Miracle Creek by Angie Kim

Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty

I think Nine Perfect Strangers, and Liane Moriarty overall, is kind of in the same boat as Sarah Pekkanan and Greer Hendricks books. I loved the first one I read by them but everyone after wasn't as good or I just plain hated it. This one again could have technically gone under the tried to read but couldn't finish it pile. 

Goodbye, Paris by Anstey Harris

This one and the following two are some of the first books I've ever gotten from the book of the month and back then I just loved getting books so I was getting everything I could. I just don't know about these ones anymore.

The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy

Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell


Although this whole list is way too long and I am for sure embarrassed by it I think it was really good to make it because as I was going through it I was really reminded of why I picked each one and how I really would love to pick up a bunch of them right this second and read it. So I think it was really good motivation for me and really curious to see what I do pick up next. There are so many that I want to read! 

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