Sunday, August 30, 2020

ShayKay's August 2020 Wrap Up

This time I think I'm going to start with my 5-star reads and work my way down. I think it will be interesting to see how it goes. I've been in a reading mood all month, however, I started a new job plus school started so I just don't have as much time to read as I did. This month I also wanted to do the rainbow challenge and I kind of did it until I picked up Midnight Sun and I've been in this bubble almost all month since this is a chunker!


The Last Time I Lied

This one shouldn't be a surprise to anyone but I loved this read. I did have a hard time getting into this book, but you can read about that here since I did make a post about it. I learned that I really loved the audiobook versions too. I started reading this one and I was just in a reading slump that I wasn't feeling it so I ended up putting it down and came back to the audio version. I'm really trying to get through my backstock of Book of the Month books so whenever I get the audio version I love it and helps me fly through them. But even then first 50 pages were a little rough, but I got into it eventually and just couldn't stop reading it. I hope to finish Lock Every Door this month too but we'll see. 


The Umbrella Academy Library Edition Volume 1: Apocalypse Suite

This is technically the first book that I finished this month and I loved it! I got it for my birthday and I really wanted to finish it before I watched the newest season but it kind of coincided with one another. Anyways I hate rating comics since they are really short and I didn't have a lot of experience with them. However, my collection has gotten really big and I've started to learn a little bit more about what I like and don't like within the comic book world. But that being said I only have like 4 series in my collection. I really want to read Avatar the Last Airbender series but I don't have any plans for that right now. I ended up giving this book 4-stars because there were some parts that I just got bored with but I love how different this is compared to the show. I really like both for their own unique reasons and they really are completely different from one another. I want to continue on with the series eventually but again I don't have any plans as of today to pick up the next book yet but it will happen soon, and it will probably be closer to Christmas. 


The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes

This was my Book of the Month pick this month and I was so thrilled for it because the synopsis of this book sounded amazing! It literally should've been a 5-star read for me. It had mixed media, talking about celebrity life, and really reminded me of Evelyn Hugo and Daisy Jones both books by Taylor Jenkins Reid. But obviously, I didn't love this one. You can read more about my feelings toward this book here. But long story short, I loved the beginning of this book. It really was set up for success. I loved the characters, it really didn't do go in the direction that I thought it would but I loved these surprises. However, it started losing me towards the middle and by the end, I was just dragging through the book. I feel like it really tried to use everything but it didn't need it. I think if they would've gone more tragic back towards the middle of the book it would've been better. Like with Alex. If you read this book you know pretty early on that something tragic was going to happen to him, but I felt like it was going to be very tragic and happen pretty soon. It took the whole book for it to happen and I was so aggravated by it. Unfortunately, I think if something horrible would've happened it would've been more interesting for me and worked better with the story. Then the whole thing went way downhill and took turns that I feel like made no sense. So really thinking about this book now I feel like 3-stars was really generous and should've been more 1-2 star. Or whatever I gave Daisy Jones because that wasn't my favorite book either. I might have to rethink Reid like I've had to do with Greer and Hendricks books. But unlike their books feel like Daisy Jones isn't something that I can really rate Reid on since it is written totally different than her other books and just doesn't work for me. 

2- Stars

Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels is another Book of the Month books that I picked up this month and to be fair it wasn't a horrible book. It was a light read contemporary book that I picked up because I needed a pick to get the add ons. But as I was looking into it after I had it I felt like it was something that I would love. It was chick-lit, about gymnastics, and kind of like a comeback story. But this book just let me down. Like I feel like it would've been better if there was more growth in it. You can read about my disappointment here

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