Monday, January 6, 2020

2020 Most Anticipated Books! (First Half of 2020)

I started looking into books for the next year since one of my goals for the year is to read more books as they are released and this is a list of potential buys for the first half of 2020 that I'm currently really excited about and might even pick up as soon as they come out! Originally I was going to do the whole year but as I was looking for books I quickly realized I'm going to have to break this down into the first half of the year since there isn't a whole lot of books that we know are coming out in the second half of the year. I was about to break it down into quarters because as you go through you'll see there start to be less and less books since there isn't a whole of news about what is coming out later in 2020 yet, such as Nora Roberts I know she will have at least one book coming out in 2020 outside of the In Death series, but it hasn't been announced yet. So this list will change over the next year. Plus I just really wanted the whole year to be spread out here and maybe even check in at the end of the year to see what books I actually read!


January 6
It just dawned on me to add books that I already have to this list! I never have books before they are released but I literally just now realized that there are a couple books that I get from Book of the Month that haven't been released yet! I actually got Dear Edward as the December book of the month and I have been too busy playing with my diamond paint kit that I haven't been reading like I planned on this break so this might be my first read of the year! 

The God Game
January 7
So I'm an awful reader when it comes to deadlines and this is why I've never tried to get books from publishers such as arcs even though I've always wanted one! I don't know why I just thought that arcs are one of those things that makes you a real reader. I know that is totally not true and I shouldn't think this way but in my defense I've just recently learned what arcs even were and I've tried to get one recently, and I only try to get books that I'm legitimately interested in. So I should've already finished The God Game since it was my first ever arc but I haven't even started it yet and I planned on doing it in December and just like Dear Edward I literally just had other things I did instead. I think/hope to start this book today! I just don't like forcing myself to read something I'm not interested in at that moment because I hate reading slumps and that hindsight always puts me in one but I'm interested in this book I just need to sit down and read it!

January 14
I would definitely be lying if I said the cover didn't attract me to the book because it definitely made me look at it! But as I read what it was about it definitely made me want to pick it up! I think it is going to be interesting but I'm always hesitant to pick up a new book by an author I've never read, especially adult books because they are so expensive! So I might wait a little bit for the price to go down before I pick this one up but I definitely want to give this one a try.

Tweet Cute
January 21
You guys I'm a total sucker for books like this! We have kind of a Romeo and Juliet/Cinderalla Story thing but with restaurants! The two teens are fighting it out over Twitter yet at the same time they are in an anonymous chatroom falling for each other!?!? Like just give me this book right now! 

What I Carry
January 21
Not only is this book beautiful but it sounds similar to Far from the Tree by Robin Benway. It's about a girl that grew up in the foster system and she is about to age out. That's all I really know there isn't much in the synopsis other than that and ever since I read Benway's book I've been wanting to read more that's focused on the foster system/adoptions. It would be beyond awesome if one of these two books would be a Book of the Month picks!


The Likely Resolutions of Oliver Clock
February 1
This book sounds interesting to me and I can't really explain why. I've really been in the contemporary mood lately and this was one of Amazon Firsts for January and I couldn't pass it up! This sounds so interesting and something that would be right up my ally as of right now anyways.

Golden in Death (In Death, #50)
February 4
Anything in the JD Robb universe I'll pick it up because I'm obsessed with this series! I finally have the complete series and since this is the 50th book in the series I really want to try and get it signed. I think I'm going to try to go to her book signing but I already have this preordered (which is the first thing I've ever done!) and I'm so excited. The only reason I preordered it is because it was a Christmas present from my fiance but also because it will come with a necklace that is supposed to represent Eve's police badge and one of Big Jack's diamonds, which Eve wears one on a necklace that Roarke gave her! I know when you preorder they usually come signed so I really hope it does if not then I definitely have to drive the 4 hours to her book signing! To say I'm excited about this book is an understatement.

The Misfortunes of Family
February 4
This sounds so interesting to me because I love politics and scandal and this book seems to have both! I think it will be interesting to see what happens within this senator's families through the documentary that is being filmed. I know it is probably nothing like the Book of Essie by Meghan MacLean Weir but they might have the same basic aspects such as the families are being filmed for TV, but in the Book of Essie the family is on a reality TV show and the children grew up being on the show. In this book, the family is in the political scene because the father is a senator and they are on their annual family vacation and it sounds like they overlook their issues but the cameras catch it all. I'm very curious about it.

Saint X
February 18
This one sounds more on the thriller side than anything else really on this list but I'm interested in this book because it sounds so much like the real-life situation that involved a girl in the Bahamas that was killed, I can't remember her name but it was a huge profiled investigation that happened while I was in high school. I know it isn't following her actual case but if I'm remembering correctly it sounds similar.


Separation Anxiety
March 3
I've never read anything from this author but after reading the synopsis of this book from Goodreads I just can't pass it up! It sounds so funny and cute and I just can't wait to get a copy! 

You Are Not Alone
March 3
I want to read this book, but I don't think I'm as excited about this one as I was for An Anonymous Girl. After reading the authors' debut novel I was OBSESSED! I needed to read their books and they became an auto-buy for me. I've reread the Wife Between Us so many different times now. So as soon as An Anonymous Girl came out I was THRILLED! But I was left hugely disappointed. An Anonymous Girl was my biggest let down in 2019! So I'm really hesitant about going into this new book. I want to read it but if it is a let down for me again then I don't know if I'll pick up anymore book by these guys and its sad because I loved The Wife Between Us, I think it was my favorite book of 2018 and I'm still obsessed with it today. Hopefully, it was just An Anonymous Girl who didn't click with me versus I just don't like their stories anymore. I'll guess I'll find out on March 3.

Last Couple Standing
March 17
I'm so hoping that this is on the comedic side and I can't wait to read it! I hope it is going kind of like the couple retreat movie where they went away to fix their marriages but this one sounds similar but not exact. I can't wait to read it.

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird
March 30
I've heard about this book for a few weeks now and it sounds really cute, and a perfect winter read. I think it is going to be bittersweet since it sounds like we will be reading in the same woman's perspective but in two different timelines one where she has her fiance and the other where she has lost him. I think it will be interesting to see how they will end, maybe she can pick which life she keeps? I wonder what she is losing when she is with her fiance?


Chosen Ones (The Chosen Ones, #1)
April 7
Not only did the cover pull me in but the author did too! I loved the Divergent series, even though I hated how it ended. The synopsis of the book sounds pretty interesting too so I think it would be fun to give this book a try.

Girl Gone Viral (Modern Love, #2) 
April 21
I can't wait for this book to come out! I just read the first book in this series at the end of 2019 and it was so GOOD! I am a little hesitant because this is going to be following Katrina who we were introduced too in the first book but she was a side character, but I'm interested in her backstory because she sounded like she lived such a big life and something happened that caused her to basically become a hermit, at least in the public eyes because she avoids all publicity even though she used to be a model. The first book was definitely risque so I assume this one is going to be in the same format. I really loved Rai's writing though and I'm so excited.


Tiny Imperfections
May 5
I think where I just finished reading the Right Swipe I'm definitely in the mood for chick-lit or romancy books and I think it really shows on the list I've made this far but this year I've really been into these genres more than any other! I think this one is going to fall perfectly into place for me because I think it looks interesting, cute, and an interesting read.

The Betrothed (The Betrothed, #1)
May 5
This cover sucks and I usually don't mind people on the covers! I don't think this series has anything to do with Cass's Selection series which is probably a good thing. I loved that series but the last few books were rough. I hate when books start following other characters! Since this series should be on its own I think the over should've strayed away from people being on the cover. The Selection series had beautiful covers! So we'll just have to see how this book goes. I did devour the Selection series! But I was also in high school when I read them.

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games, #0)
May 19
It seems like 2020 is the year all of the authors from my middle school years rejoin the book world! Just like Roth's books, I loved Hunger Games but I hated the ending. Unlike Roth, Collins is going back into the same world we already know. There isn't much information about the book other than the fact that it is about the 10th Hunger Games. I would love to jump into this book and see if I still love this world just as much as I did as a kid but at the same time, I am a little hesitant. Collins writing wasn't always my favorite and the last Hunger Games book did leave a bad taste. When I say I didn't like how the series ends I'm not talking about the people who died I'm talking about how the last book felt so rushed but at the same time very boring. It was like all of the action happened so fast and the build-up just caused it to all fall flat.

May 26
I just watched a Christmas movie that was about a girl that died and she was ghosting her best friend which made me interested in what this book was about. Spoiler alert it is nothing like the movie! Which is a good thing since the movie I'm talking about doesn't have any relationship to this book. But reading the synopsis sounds really interesting and a light read, and it comes out right after finals and before my wedding so I think it should be one that joins me on my honeymoon!


The Second Home
June 2
The book said it should be for people who loves Hilderbrand's books and let me tell you I'm trash for that author! I love her books so much. This book sounds like a fun summer read and I hope it will be one of Book of the Month picks! 

Today Tonight Tomorrow
June 16
While reading the synopsis of this book I think it would be a cute summer read! If this list was ranking them from most excited to least excited I think this one falls towards the bottom of the list. But I still want to pick it up and read it when it comes out. It sounds like it is going to be a fun, cute read.

Destination Wedding
June 30
Not only does this cover look amazing but it sounds so much like Crazy Rich Asians, which was one of my favorite series summer before last! I've been dying for another book in that world however I don't think we will be lucky enough to get a fourth book so I'm hoping this will be a great constellation prize! Only downfall is this will come out after my wedding! This would've been an amazing book to read while I'm getting married or even on the cruise!


His & Hers: A Novel
July 28
As I start going into the last half of the year there are going to be fewer and fewer books mentioned since there are always more books mentioned throughout the year for this time frame. This book isn't something that I would pick up based on the cover, but the synopsis sounds so interesting to me and I love books about TV in some way and this one sounds right up my ally. I want to try this book and see how it goes. This book follows a woman who has pretty much sacrificed everything for her career and the way the synopsis went they said that there is some sort of threat to her career that she basically sacrificed everything for. So I want to see how it goes, especially if it is a Book of the Month book.

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