I know I really should've read this book last month since that was actually December but I didn't have this epiphany until after I ordered my December books and I really want to read this before Silver's next book comes out in February. I think it will be one of Book of the Month's books for February and as of right now I see at least 3 predicted books that I know I want to get next month.
My goal is to read at least one of Book of the Month books within the same month of getting it and the other one I got was actually a book of the month pick so if you want to see the other book I picked for January check out my Instagram! It was definitely a rough month for me and it took me a few days to figure out which one I wanted to get this month. I knew I didn't want to skip this month since I want One Day in December but I wasn't that interested in any of the options or member picks this month. After a few days of research all of the picks this month, I decided on the book I got and I'm pretty confident in my decision that I will love it.
Synopsis from Book
Two people. Ten chances. One unforgettable love story.
Laurie is pretty sure love, at first, sight, doesn't exist anywhere outside of the movies. But then, through the mist on a bus window one snowy December day, she sees a man that she knows, instantly, is the one. Their eyes meet, there's a moment of pure magic.... and then her bus drives away.
Certain they're fated to dine each other again, Laurie spends a year scanning every bus stop and cafe in London, hoping for another glimpse of what she trusts is true love. But she doesn't find him. Not when it matters, anyway. Instead they "reunite" at a Christmas party, where her best friend, Sarah, giddily introduces her new boyfriend - Jack, the man from the bus - to Laurie.
What follows for Laurie, Sarah, and Jack is ten years of friendship, heartbreak, roads not taken, and destinies reconsidered. One day in December is a joyous, heartwarming, and immensely moving love story, and a reminder that fate inexplicable turns along the route to happiness.
Thoughts Before Reading
This book reminds me a lot of the TV show that I watched over the summer on Hulu, called Four Weddings and a Funeral. It's not exactly the same but the set up is pretty similar to each other and I do not know why I haven't picked this book up before now. I really wanted to read it last month but I didn't really want to splurge on myself at Christmas time and I didn't have a reason to get this book until I started looking at 2020 book releases. I'm really curious about what happens in this triangle over the ten years and in the synopsis, it explains how Laurie feels for all I know right now it is one-sided and that Jack might not feel the same way as Laurie, especially since he has a girlfriend! I need to unravel this drama!
Halfway Through Check-In
Guys! I'm almost a hundred pages in and I'm loving it! Are they going to end up together? Am I supposed to root for that or root for her being a good friend?! I really don't know I really love them all so far and I want to know who ends up with who. I feel like he is going to marry Sarah because of the way they act. I'm at the point where Laurie has pretty much come to terms about being just friends but I feel like she is lying to herself. I don't know what to do!
I'm just a little bit over halfway through the book now and OMG! I need to know if Laurie and Jack will end up together! When the synopsis says that they have a million chances over 10 years and these are all moments that they could've changed their future but they never take those steps it was not lying! I stayed up all night reading the book and I cannot put it down now! I'm really not sure if I want them to be together or not but then one of their moments happen and I'm like WHY ARE THEY STILL NOT TOGETHER! Other than the story I really like how Silver writes and I now know that I'm for sure getting her book if her new one is an option for next month! I'm not even all the way done with this book but I just love her writing so much already. For this much of the book, she is an insta-buy author. Now, will I feel this way once I'm done reading? I'm not sure yet. It depends on what happens between Jack and Laurie. They are really like Jack and Rose off of the Titanic!
After Thoughts
So I stayed up late finishing this book last night and I'm so glad that I did! I needed to finish this book and I was in love with it from the time I picked it up to the time I finished it! If it wasn't for school and work I would've devoured this thing in one sitting. I was so hooked from the time I read the first page. I loved Silver's writing and I'm so looking forward to her next book coming out even more now. The book was really long overall but it didn't feel long. The only thing I would change about the book is to add more of the relationship at the end. I loved the ending and it worked out amazing I just wish there was a little more of their relationship.
· Laurie’s evolvement throughout the book was amazing! You watched all three of them really grow up throughout the book and it was amazing.
· In a weird way, I loved the insta-love between
Laurie and Jack. They fell in love with a stare through a window! They didn’t say a word to each that whole time, and it was different than reading about a
couple who talked for a few seconds then they are instantly in love.
· The way Laurie and Jack ended up together! I
loved how it happened in the book and I just wish there was maybe an epilogue or something about their relationship as a couple.
· I love how the book was written and not just how the story went but the layout of the book in general. The chapters were short,
and I never had to question the timeline because of how it was laid out with the date for each chapter. The book also swapped points of views and they were always labeled who we were reading from. This was perfect for me!
The support system. I love how these three friends were between each other. They were amazing and I loved how they acted between each other and the support they all had for one another. The only thing I would’ve changed was being told about how things were happening in the background versus reading about it happening.
· The timeline. I loved the struggle that
happened between Laurie, Jack, and Sarah and I even appreciated the 10-year
span over the book. But I was really let down on how little we saw of the actual relationship between Laurie and Jack.
· Sarah’s reaction. There is an event that happens that leads Sarah and Laurie not talking for almost a year! I
understand why she is mad, but I think her reaction was a little bit overboard considering how long ago it happened at this point and where all their relationships were.
· Laurie’s perception of herself was horrible for a lot of the book. It was like she talked herself down a lot, especially when comparing herself to Sarah.
· Jack’s meltdown thing. I hated how he treated Laurie during that time in the book. But I understand why it happened because of this
is all of their lives over a ten-year span so there needed to be some tragedy.
I don’t think this one counts as a true con to the book. I was just devastated when he treated her like that.
· I really just wanted more of their happily ever
after since it took so long to get there.
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