Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Aesthetically Pleasing Book Tag

Well, I'm seriously sad to admit that I started this post back in like September and first I didn't have my bookcase entirely cleaned and organized enough to show it off! I still haven't posted completed pictures of it over on Instagram which is sad because I was doing really good at documenting my build over there! But I'm determined to get this post completed and thrown out into the world today since it is actually Tuesday and I can call it a Tag Tuesday post, plus I feel like my life is somewhat put together at least for today!

I didn't create this tag I actually first seen this book tag on Dreamland Book Blog, and it all just clicked for me to create this for my bookcase. My goal for this post is to pick books that no one really talks about and never repeat the same books for different answers throughout this thing. So let's see what I can come up with! But I really just can't wait to show off this bookcase, guys it really took me all summer to do this! And then all fall to even finish writing this post took way too long! It's now January 2020 and I started this back in September. I'm definitely going to make a post about my journey while building this behemoth!


This is the bookshelf that I built over the summer, it was more like I started buying materials and working on it in May and it was completed in August. It didn't take much work to build it was planning out the build, money for the supplies, and then getting it on the wall took a lot of time to do. But for more information about the building process and what all I did to make this dream a reality check out this (post) where I go more in-depth of it all! So let's get into this amazing tag that took me forever to finish!

1. Best Color Combo on a Book Cover

There are so many different color combos that I really love looking at on my shelf that I had a lot to choose from for this answer but ultimately I had to go with my JD Robb/Nora Roberts shelf. Yes, this is one person and this beautiful lady deserved a whole shelf just to herself! I've been dying to make it out to one of her book signings that she does at Turn the Page bookstore all of the time! I made sure they all fit in this shelf too as you can see most of this shelf is my Naked in Death collection! This series is what introduced me to Roberts and since my love for this series is so huge I started branching out into Roberts others works. Since these questions are supposed to be gears towards one book specifically I should pick one book that as the best colors on it and I'm going to have to go with Under Currents by Nora Roberts. I read this book over the summer and I loved it! I think a lot of her newer books are following the same basics for the covers that you see in both Under Currents and Shelter in Place. 

2. Best Typography/Font on a Book Cover


I had to have this book somewhere on this list and I'm so glad that it fell under Typography. This book is one of the first books that I can remember that really pulled me into reading and making me want to read all the time! It was so captivating to my fourth-grade self and I had to keep this series. It's definitely one of those series that I keep more for sentimental values because I haven't read it in years. I think it would be something that I would love to read to my kids one day. So I just knew it had to be on this list somewhere! The font of the cover and the title heads is something that I've always loved! I've always loved the curly writing and it the fact that the title is different fonts makes me love it even more because it is so funky, half of it is cursive and the other half is more straightforward. Even though the writing gives off a little funky vibe the cover itself is pretty simple which makes it so perfect!

3. Best Simple Cover

For the best simple cover, I think Nicholas Sparks books will always win! They are usually so simple with either a beach scene or a bike on the cover but since all of his covers have the same simple feeling towards them it's hard to pick just one of his books. So for this one, I pick Nicholas Sparks instead of one single book. I've been slowly rereading them since I have got my bookshelf together and the books are just staring at me. They are something that I definitely want to do a book vs. movie post because his books are always better than the movies!

4. Best End-Pages

I actually just got this book a couple months ago so I haven't read it yet but just looking at this book the end pages are beautiful! I plan on picking it up soon because the concept is sort of like the book I've been trying to write and I cannot wait to jump into this one! After I read the book it will be on the big shelf, the only reason it isn't on the shelf yet is because I'm lazy and I like having a stack of books in my room beside my bed, I think it helps motivate me to get through the book I'm reading a little faster so I can get to it.

5. Best Map

I'm not happy to admit that I have a lot of different copies of this book, but they are all pretty much in different formats! But this copy is my absolute favorite because of the illustrations and I love these maps at the beginning of the book! They help follow the story because you really jump throughout this world so much that these maps help a LOT! Plus I don't read that much fantasy and outside of the fantasy world there aren't a lot of books that have maps in them, so this one was one of the harder ones for me to do.

6. Best Naked Hardback

I actually found this book for this one by pure luck. I literally had to go through all my books looking at the books and pulling off the dust jackets of all my hardback books! I kept gravitating back to my Harry Potter books because their gorgeous but I swore I was going to do different books for each answer sorry Harry! Finally, I found one of the prettiest naked covers that has something other than just the title of the book! This is so simple with just the tiara on the cover but I love the color combo between the different shades of purple to the silver for the tiara. I mean how could I not pick the freaking tiara! Definitely one of my favorites and I didn't even know what it looked like! 

7. Best Back Cover

I kind of cheated with this book because of the back and front cover kind of blend together to make this one. But in all honesty, this back cover is just as important as the front cover and I loved this book back when I read it. I really want to reread this book now that I'm older. From what I remember the cover shows the two main characters and they are exes on a road trip for college that they planned before they broke up, but while they are on the road the truth about why they really broke up comes out. I know this became a popular-ish trope that people either love or hate but I think this was one of the first books with this type of storyline and, to be honest, its the only one I ever read with it and I loved it! Since then I have read more about a road trip and they can be hit or miss with me.

8. Best Chapter Headers

This one I think was literally the hardest one to find anything for. I love chapters that have chapter headings which have become so hard to find in any books today! So many books today don't really have anything for the chapters other than the number. I think it is getting really rare to have chapter titles or even illustrations with the chapter headers. Books with chapter headers can help differentiate between characters when a book is in multiple point-of-views and let me tell you I need that! I always have a hard time remembering which point of view I'm in and it really pulls me out of the story trying to figure out who is who. When I was younger I read the Clique series and they had the location within the chapter headings and I loved it! So the picture above shows a few different books that had chapter titles and I loved them!

9. Best Illustrations

Harry Potter is one of those series that I can read over and over and just never grow tired of it. But when I learned about the illustrated versions coming out it made me so happy! I love these copies and it kind of gave this series a new life for me! For awhile I was getting the new one every year for Christmas but since the books are getting bigger causing the illustrator to use more time on later books the illustrated ones are taking a little longer to come out but it is definitely on the list to pick up as soon as I can get it, which is still usually Christmas presents for me. I've also loved giving these copies to my friends for their kids' Christmas presents. Now that I have a new series that I'm doing on my blog I can't wait to revisit the Harry Potter world for it!

10. Best Spine

I love Book of the Month spines! I think it's just the small square at the beginning of the spines with the BOTM logo is beautiful and they are amazing. Right now I have a stack that is my TBR (left side beginning the shelf) and then the stack in the middle and end are ones I've already finished! Even though I love my set up on the shelf right now my goal is to eventually fill my other bookcase with all BOTM books. The bookcase below is the shelf I made during the summer of 2018 and I think it would look amazing with all BOTM books on it! Right now this case is kind of out of sorts since I moved all of my books over to my giant shelf. So right now the first crate is the books that I want to make a priority this month, the second crate are books that I've bought throughout the month, and then rest is kind of spillover books that I didn't want to put on the big shelf because I liked how the looked over here more!

11. Favorite Cover on Your Shelves

The whole entire Lunar Chronicles series is one of my favorite series ever! The covers are my favorite because they are kind of simplistic but at the same time, they portray their stories so perfectly. If you've read this series you know what I mean and which book is portraying which fairytale they are inspired by! I love fairytale retellings and I'll always be a sucker for them! This series was just perfect for me! I binge read this entire series and I just recently got the physical copies and yet again this is another series that I'm dying to reread! Seeing them on my shelf now I just want to pick them up and start rereading them.

This picture might be a little confusing because it looks like Cress is the second book but it is the third book. I tried to be a little artistic with it but obliviously I'm a bit goofy, and this one was so hard to take since Cinder couldn't fit on the shelf like that. But I still love this picture so much!

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