So this month is always a hit or miss with me, and this year was definitely a miss. I didn't listen to any audiobooks this month. I also only got one book this entire month which came through Book of the Month. This book was Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano. This book sounded so interesting to me because of the airplane. It sounded so much like one of the TV shows that keeps advertising lately about a missing flight and everyone came back with these strange powers. I know this is nothing like that other than the plane. I'm so curious about this book and I can't wait to pick it up. My only excuse is that I just had too many other things to do this month that reading took a back seat and I know I say this all the time! But this month I actually did read and you'll see what I did this month in a little bit but in reality, even that only happened in the last week of December and it was so much fun!

As for eBooks I did get a little crazy and get quite a few this month. I picked up A Beginner's Guide to Free Fall by Andy Abramowitz, I believe this was one of Amazon Firsts for December and it just sounds interesting! I've never read a book that has anything to do with roller coasters or even engineering. This one has to deal with both. Plus it was only $1.99 and I couldn't resist picking it up. The next book I found was the Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds. I couldn't tell you how I found it or why but at the moment it sounded good so I bought it. Definitely, an impulse buy and something I want to read. Then the final book I got this month I actually bought full price for because I've been wanting to read it and I was tired of waiting! Is the Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles. This is the book that I did a little different post with and I have to say devoured this book and had so much fun working on my little project with it! Now I just need to finish up the post so I can publish it! I love it when I get a book and just devour it and there is no shelf time between me getting it and then finishing it.

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