I have been wanting to do some sort of readathon/bookathon for awhile now. The only one I have ever done before is the Buzzword Readathon that BooksandLaLa does but I haven't really done any of the backup stuff for it before, such as a blog post or even Instagrammed it a lot so this time I thought we would put the real effort into it and see how it goes. I don't really count the Book of the Month Spring Reading Challenge that I just finished because again I didn't really document it on here, there wasn't much participation in it other than on Facebook but I loved it and for the last few book reviews or pictures on my Instagram showcased the charts I made for the books. Since I loved it so much it really inspired me to look for a new reading challenge. During this search, I found a blog that has a list of readathons! It was so freaking helpful because when you type readathons in on Google you get really overwhelmed with the results and, to be honest, I started following a lot of twitter accounts throughout this search without really looking into the readathons themselves. I'm not a big twitter person so when the readathons are based on Twitter I really fall behind. Anyways this amazing blog that has a freaking calendar for the readathons is called Little Book Owl, the link will take you straight to the calendar. From here it was so easy to look through all of the readathons that are going on this month and it is really organized. I really love this. I believe she is actually a YouTuber that I follow.
There were a lot of different readathons that I really wanted to jump into this month but since this is the first one that I'm really going to put a lot of effort into I'm going to do just one for now and I've chosen to do the HouseCupAThon's June Readathon! I chose this one because one they do have an Instagram for their readathon, but they are based mostly on discord, which I have both of those and prefer using them both so that ticks off a really important box for me. They do have a twitter account too, and the Instagram is new so it is just getting off its feet while the twitter account has a lot of content on it already. I'm going to try to be more active on Twitter, but where it's my personal account and I don't even use that I just don't use it. I've thought about deleting everything on it and making one for my book or sims but I haven't made that leap yet and I don't think I will. The second thing that I saw that really gave this potential for me personally right off the bat is that it is a Harry Potter readathon! You all know I'm a Harry Potter nerd and completely obsessed with it! You aren't required to read the whole Harry Potter series within the month but they do want you to read one of them, and the buddy read is the second Harry Potter book for the month, which I do need to finish Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for my other projects anyways and can easily jump into the buddy read. But what really sold me on this was the fact that I had the opportunity to take their reading prompts and throw them into a chart. We learned recently that I'm in love with taking charts like this making them funky and fun and slapping book covers on them! So that's what I did with their prompts. Now it was a little confusing getting into the discord but I'm still a discord newbie and this is all new to me but if I can navigate it and figure out the basics than it isn't too bad. The challenge is a point-based and you work with your house to fight for the house cup. I'm in love with the concept and cannot wait to jump in.
Since it is a house challenge I took the prompts and then made all four houses their own chart to give it a little personality for each house. Here are all of the ones that I made for the HouseCupAThon, now I am Gryffindor house, but I might look into one that has all of the house colors because I really love colorful things and Hogwarts one should be more colorful, but as for now I'm going to be using the Gryffindor one. As usual, I got the background off of Pinterest and then made the graph on a Word document, and then added some emojis and the rest of the stuff in Pic Collage. All of the prompts are the same on each picture, the only thing different is the houses aesthetics.
For me, the point system on Instagram makes the most sense when I was trying to figure out how it goes. They are probably posted on discord and twitter too but like I've previously mentioned I just don't know or use them much yet. I'll probably still need someone to help me put points in when I'm done reading a book but that's future Shay problems. Here are the points:
- 5 Points - if you have to DNF (do not finish) a book. But in order to get the 5 points, you have to have at least 25% completed
- 10 Points - if the book you've read is less than 100 pages
- 30 Points - if the book you've read is between 101-200 pages
- 50 Points - if the book you've read is between 201-400 pages
- 50 Points - for completing a reading challenge (a tile on the pictures above)
- 70 Points - if the book you've read is between 401-500 pages
- 100 Points - if the book you've read is over 501 pages
- 100 Points - for completing the required reading (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
All of the points get added up in the discord chat and goes towards your house the one with the most points wins the house cup! I love this concept and I love this readathon so I cannot wait to jump in on it. Since the challenges are named Lockhart, Dobby, and Tom Riddle's Journal I made sure to add the requirements for each tile this time around. The requirements stayed in Time Roman while I got to have fun with the challenge name's fonts.
Normally I like to save posting my challenges I do until the end of the year or the end of the challenge to post but this time around I think I'm going to post this now so you all can see why every book I have in the month of June will be credited towards this readathon and you'll always have one of the collages above listed out. I think on my Instagram I might only use Gryffindor since that is what house I'm in on Discord but over here I think we will show all of the houses love. I don't know I might do that on Instagram too since right now I'm getting really tired of seeing all of the same pictures on my feed because I kept reposting my BOTM challenge every time I completed a book. I also really like how I formatted my last book with a book aesthetic, book rating, and then the challenge. I think this works out perfect for me. If you don't like it let me know and we can work on other ideas for me to do.
Since we are posting this now with updates as we go I'm going to put the date at the bottom of each update so you can see what I did and when.
(June 1, 2020)
So I finished my first book for June 2020 and here is my updated reading chart! Since I made a post about Beach Read by Emily Henry I'm just going to a short little rating for it. I loved this book and it was such a great way to kick off HouseCupAThon! I love using books I already own during readathons to help clean up my shelves and this month is perfect for that because I'm getting ready to redo my shelves and do an unhaul soon. Anyways the book was something that I've had for a couple months and I don't know why I was sitting on it. I need to go through and really read all of my backstock of Book of the Month books! I don't have an official TBR for this either because I'm a mood reader and I love having the freedom to bounce around to whatever book I feel like reading and usually gave multiple books going at one time. But with Beach Read, it sucked all my attention in and I couldn't put it down. To be honest, if I wasn't remodeling my house I would've been done with this a lot faster! I hope my next book goes the same way!
(June 3, 2020)
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