Monday, June 1, 2020

May 2020 Wrap Up

Since it has been a little hard getting content up I'm going to start doing a little wrap-up post at the end of the month because I don't always talk about all of the books that I've read throughout the month, especially my audiobooks. This is something that I've probably should've been doing all along but oh-well let's jumps into it! 

In the month of May, I've read 9 books! I've been in a big reading mood plus I went on vacation this month. I went to a local beach for a weekend to get married so it wasn't a huge vacation, it was a nice small getaway. Out of all of the books I read this month, there were 3 comics, 1 audiobook, 3 ebooks, and 2 physical books. As for star ratings, there were 1 3-star, 2 4-star, and the rest were 5-stars! Here I think we only talked about one of the books so there were a lot of miss opportunities for me to post about but I couldn't help it. I'm a mood reader and none of these were the books that I planned on reading for the month. For the month I planned on at least finishing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone because I had a lot of fun things planned for it but I haven't finished it yet, hopefully, June will be the month for that. 

Let's break these down into star ratings this month!

3-Star Read

My only 3-star read for the month was a book that I had to read for school. I had to do a book report and in complete honesty, the book wasn't bad. I really loved the historical spots of the book, and this book is How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. The book talks about different ways that democracies can be torn apart throughout the world and it was really interesting. This first part of the book was definitely 5 stars for me, it was hard to put the book down. But at the same time, this first part was very historical based. The last half of the book was rough getting through it. I've honestly just tired of hearing and reading about Trump I have no opinion of him as president and I'm just really over politics in the United States right now and would rather focus on news that's not about celebrities or politics. This was an e-book the physical book that I got for this assignment I felt like it didn't fit well so I switched to this book instead of finishing the other one. So I guess we technically have a DNF for the month, I'll post it at the end of the month.

How Democracies Die

4-Star Read

I believe this next book I've talked about on the blog already but here is my only 4-star read during the month of May, Incomparable by Brie and Nikki Bella. I love the Bella twins and to be completely honest Total Bellas, along with Total Divas, is what pulled me into the WWE world. The twins are amazing and this book was something I didn't even know about until watching Total Bellas and an ad popped up for it so of course, I had to go look at it. I had to get it and I was going to get the physical book but I was in the mood to read it, I had the money so I bought it on my kindle and tore through this thing. I never read nonfiction books, the last one I optionally chose to read was Tia Torres book about her dogs. Anyways the Bellas' book was really interesting and would take turns between Nikki and Brie's perspectives. Much like the last book my biggest complaint about this book is that I really enjoyed like 3/4 of the books, it was definitely a 5-star read. But the last 1/4 of the book just dragged for me. I loved learning about their lives and their companies that they were able to forge together but the end took a turn towards sexuality which I'm not a prude or anything, I don't care about reading about it either. But I feel like it just didn't fit into the book I guess. The whole book talked about their past and what they went through either together or on their own but then the last chapter or two just stopped and they started talking about feminism and stuff. I'm all for feminism but it just didn't fit with the rest of the book and I just got so bored reading the last couple of chapters. That's why it ended with 4-stars. I find it really hard to rate books based on people's lives too so it was just rough figuring out who to rate it. So I went with 4-stars because like I said the first 3/4 of the book was really interesting to read about but then the last 1/4 I just dragged trying to read it all. 


I really struggled with where to put this book because I had no clue how to rate this thing! I finished it earlier today (5/31) but then I sat on my rating all day trying to contemplate what it's rating is. The first part of this book I was for sure going to give this book a 5-stars and I thought it was for sure going to be my new favorite from this author! But it took a wrong turn somewhere and it just felt like the book was cramming in so much stuff that it just couldn't deliver everything. Ultimately I was left wanting more of something and less of others. I ended up giving the book 4 stars overall, but in my head, I think it is more of a 3.5-stars. I try to keep the books in order according to its GoodReads review and on there I put 4 stars because you can't do half stars, and for everyone who knows me knows I hate half stars. I prefer to always have whole stars and round up or down whenever I end up in this predicament. Especially if I loved half of the book and the second half fell flat I just meet i the middle. But with this book, I finally found a reason for a half star! I really wanted to love this book and I had so much hope for it! We even got off on the right foot but then we fell hard! By the way, the book I'm talking about is Hideaway by Nora Roberts.

5-Star Reads

Most of my books for May were 5-star reads so let's jump into the first one that I read this month. Since I've been home I've been looking into my library's ebooks and the first one I got was Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire. This is a book that I know I've talked about already on here so I'll keep this short and sweet. I've been wanting to read this series for a long time but I've been wanting the physical books because they are so cute, but they are so expensive so I've just not got around to getting them. But let me tell you I loved this first book! It was so good and had so much fun reading it. Like I said in the post all about this book it is really hard to explain this book because one is so small but then two it's hard to explain because it is so different than anything else I've ever read. This book was really good I plan on finishing the series, the ones that are already out. But I have no clue when I'll get the physical books. 

Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1)

My next 3 books are comics so I'm going to count them all right here. I never get to talk about my comics on here! I'm a huge comic fan I love the pictures, how fast they are to read, and I just love them. But I hate the price of comics. Since they are so short it's always a hard buy for me because I can't justify spending the money on them, most of the time they are about $15 here in West Virginia, plus tax. So when I splurge on comics I've usually gone on a Thriftbooks splurge. I love buying my comics from Thriftbooks because I feel like I'm getting a good deal for them. But this time I did buy it from the bookstore because I've been dying to read another book in this series. The series is called Saga! Saga is a comic that I found over on BookTube, I'm not sure which YouTuber I saw talking about it because it been a couple years since I got my first one. Saga is a series that follows this family that basically shouldn't exist. The mom and dad are two different species and their races have been at war for forever, so they are kind of living out their Romeo and Juliet love story just by being together. So far I'm only 3 books in and it's because I can't always justify spending the money on them. I kind of want to buy a bulk order of the 4 or 5 of them soon. I'm obsessed and I always go back and reread them whenever I get a new one, and so far they have all been 5-stars. The story is amazing and the illustration is beautiful so it's hard to not love these books. Now I will say that these are graphic comics, they are not for kids so if you are looking for comics for your kid these aren't those. 

Saga, Vol. 1 Saga, Vol. 2 Saga, Vol. 3

My next read I just finished and it was an audiobook. It's pretty funny how I fell into this book because I bought Aby Jimenez's newest book first, which is The Happily Ever After Playlist and I started reading it immediately and I was in love with it! I bought it at the beach and was binge reading it out on the deck all day, but the next day we were driving back home so instead of getting the same book as an audiobook I got her first on, The Friend Zone, on audiobook. I've never read anything by this author and to be completely fair I did read the synopsis of the Happily Ever After book because I was determined to buy something from this bookstore I found and was really having a hard time finding something, so since I was enjoying it so much I didn't read the synopsis to the Friend Zone. It turns out the books follow the same characters! Now you don't have to read them in order, but I will say that if you don't read them in the order you will learn things that happens in the first book, so I suggest reading them in order. I loved the Friend Zone! I had to give it 5-stars. It is definitely a romance book and it is fun to read. 

The Friend Zone

Even though I started reading The Happy Ever After Playlist first, I ended up finishing it after I finished the Friend Zone. The Friend Zone was an audiobook and the Ever After was a physical book. I loved every second of this book, and it is honestly my favorite book in this duology. I think I just connected with Sloan a little more plus the dog played a bigger role in this book and I'm a huge dog lover. But it was a 5-star read too. This book and the Friend Zone I haven't talked about on my blog so far because it was a spur of the moment read and they actually are what pushed me to post this because this is something that you don't get to see since I don't make a post about them. They are also a prime example that sometimes my 5-star reads don't end up on here. I'm just a mood reader and I try really hard to maintain the layout of my posts on here so if I don't get a 'before reading' or  'halfway check-in,' it can be hard to make the posts. So I think this helps to look back in the month just to see what I read when I read it and a little insight into why I liked it. But both of these books are something fun to read and just easy. I have noticed that I've really started loving romance books more and more now.

The Happy Ever After Playlist


I have one book that ended up being a DNF, did not finish. This book I picked up for school and it was pretty interesting but I put it down because the book wasn't really fitting the criteria I needed for the book report and I just stopped reading it to pick up the book I ended up reading. It was an accidental DNF, but at the same time, I don't see myself going back to it. This book is In the Shadows by Mitch Landrieu. I didn't get that far into the book.

In the Shadow of Statues: A White Southerner Confronts History

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