Monday, June 29, 2020

June 2020 Book Haul

It's that time of the month again where we get to see what I picked up throughout the month! I don't think I really got that much this month I did get two Book of the Month books this month! So let's start there since that is the first set of books that I got this month.

June Book of the Month Picks

One to Watch Home Before Dark

As soon as I saw One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London on the spoilers board on one of my Book of the Month groups on Facebook I was immediately intrigued by it! It looked so freaking cute and the fact that it is being sold as a bachelor themed book with a plus-sized lead I wanted to look more into it. Then the synopsis and the reviews on Goodread sold it for me! I actually picked it up in the same month of getting it! I know its crazy and I'm having a hard time. I'm sad to admit that the book may have to be laid to rest soon though! I took it out into the wild with me and thought that it would be safe because whenever I take books in the pool or even on the lake they never get wet or messed up well my experience floating down the river didn't go as smoothly and it got banged up a lot! If you're on my Instagram then you have seen this picture of the state of my book. I have a new copy currently in my cart to get next month but mine is still readable. It's still together, and I'm still in love with it so I might just keep my banged up one because I love books with character and this one definitely has character. Plus the dust jacket stayed here so we may have to see what this one looks like with the dust cover back on.

I also got Home Before Dark by Riley Sager. Although I haven't personally read a Sager book yet I now have 2 Book of the Month books by him and I need to try them. I think I'm going to pick this one up next because I do need to branch out and it will be a different genre than what I have read in a while. The synopsis sounds really interesting to me.

Audible Subscription

You Are Not Alone

I still technically have my audible subscription and I'm having a hard time letting it go since I really love it. Lately where we are on the road going back and forth to the lake, errands, and so on I do still have some opportunity to listen to the audiobooks. Anyways this month I'm doing the HouseCupAThon and one of the challenges is to listen to the audiobook. I was planning to read this book a couple months ago for BooksandLaLa's readathon but I didn't get to it, I was in a book slump. Since I'm working on this month's readathon I want to try really hard to complete them all and I picked this one up as my audiobook. I need to jump into it ASAP! 

The Comics

So last month I got married and one of our wedding presents was an Amazon gift card! We ended up getting new phones this month and while we waited for them to come in we ordered Otterboxes since I'm awful about dropping my stuff. Since we were already ordering stuff we finished the card off and I bought the rest of the Saga series that I didn't already have! I binge-read these while I waited for my book to dry. I love this series so much and even did a blog review of the series a couple weeks ago! It was an amazing series, and the way it was left there could be more but it has been a couple years since anything was released for this series. 

Random Picks

The Summer House

That whole saying you can find a book to buy pretty much anywhere is definitely true for me. I was having a rough day and needed to go to the grocery store. The past couple of times I've seen this sitting there for a while and finally I picked it up! I and Patterson have a love/hate relationship because I loved the Maximum Ride and Wizard and Witch series, and even most of the confession series, but then there are times I hate his stories. So we'll see how this one goes. This one sounds curious so I want to give it a go!

The eBook(s)

That Boy (That Boy, #1)

Facebook and even Instagram keep popping up adds for books, plus I have an email that I get every day from Bookbub for eBooks that are on sale. Anyways I've been seeing ads for this book, and the whole series, a lot lately! I've been thinking about getting it but I couldn't justify getting it just yet since I have a ton of books to read. It was like only $2.99. But the other day it popped up for $0.99 so I went ahead and got it. I really have been doing really good at not buying a lot of them very often now and I decided I can splurge on some every now and again and I really hope this is my next obsession. The last obsession that I couldn't stop reading on my Kindle was the After series. So I can't wait to jump into this book.

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