Synopsis from Book
Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a Happily Ever After, he kills of his entire cast.
They're polar opposites.
In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months they're living they're living in neighboring each houses, broke and bogged down with writer's block.
Then one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of heir creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She'll take him on field trips worth of any rom-com montage and he'll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.
Thoughts Before Reading
I've been thinking about reading a Book of the Month book since I'm getting a pile going and I've kept getting add-ons lately so I need to tackle this pile soon. Since everyone in the Book of the Month groups I'm in over on Facebook has been talking about how amazing Beach Read is I've decided that it's time to give it a try. It sounds so interesting and I've been wanting to read it ever since I got it and now is finally that time. I usually don't read the synopsis until I'm typing it up here and it sounds really interesting and I see why I was instantly drawn to it. I really was hoping to get to while I was at the beach and really wanted to get a picture of it on the beach but I got married instead so it was a really hectic weekend, but so fun! I've heard that it isn't really as romantic as it sounds so I'm really curious to see how it goes. I've already read the first chapter and OMG IT HAS CHAPTER TITLES! I am a sucker for chapter titles! I cannot wait to really jump into this book.
Chapter 1 of Beach Read |
Thoughts Halfway Through
I am so obsessed with this book! I love the way Henry writes and I definitely need to lookup more of her books! Right now I'm currently renovating my bedroom, hallway, and living room so most of my day is spent up working on those. Right now I currently have the base color down and the flooring should start soon. But for the most part, my bedroom is getting a full remodel almost, but that carpet needed to go. Dogs plus carpet equals disaster, at least for us. I picked this book for Book of the Month without really thinking about it too much. It sounded like something that I would like and I needed a book because I got an add-on, but I currently couldn't tell you which add-on I got that month. Then I kept seeing people raving about it on my BOTM groups on Facebook and so I picked it up. But to be completely fair when a book gets a lot of hype its always 50/50 with me being on the same page. Sometimes they just don't click with me. To be honest I really wanted to start it while I was at the beach because I wanted a picture of it on the beach but I got married instead so it was a hectic weekend.
Another thing a lot of people are saying is that this book isn't really a romance novel like it is being sold as, and I can see that but at the same time there are lot of romantic moments. I just don't think it is romance-driven so I kind of agree with them. So far the romance is very slow burning and not the focus of the book, which I really like. So far the book overall is 5 stars for me, it is light and cute, and really reminds me of books like Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center and Well Met by Jen DeLuca. It has the potential to be one of my favorite 2020 Book of the Month books so let's see how this finishes out!
After Thoughts
Well, I flew through this book. I hit the halfway point yesterday (6/3) and then finished later that night. I just could not put the book down once I started it. Luckily for me, I finished most of the stuff I needed to do for my bedroom earlier in the day and my husband and dad have been working on the floor. Just as I thought this book ended on a high note with 5 stars from me. I really enjoyed all the whole book! I am a sucker for books that use different fonts throughout the book, usually when there is a text message or email, so they stand out from the rest. Then the chapter headings too! How could I not have given this book such a high rating? I really enjoyed the whole book and there was never really a dull moment for me. I actually have no notes in my annoying column for it either which is a shocker! Usually, I am really lenient with new books and new authors and on a reread I get more analytical but since I started taking notes on my phone for my blog I've stayed pretty consistent with writing everything down, most since I always have my phone or iPad so it's super easy just to notate something.
January is probably one of my all-time favorite characters now. She was so fun to read about and follow her story because it wasn't your usual romance book. She was dealing with so much in the book and you follow her grieving, learning how to forgive someone who's dead, figure out who she is, and even find love again. The book overall came full circle and tied everything up. I saw one GoodReads how someone mentioned how this book is the perfect mix of chick-lit and romance and I totally agree because I wouldn't label this as a romance book. I just think it was a perfect summer read and I have no complaints about the book. I really want to read more Emily Henry books now to see if she has the same type of writing style.
I had a little fun with making pictures for this book this time around I did the picture above first because the town that January and Gus live in is called North Bear Shores and I thought that would be an adorable play on the words! I don't think anyone else got it but it's my own cute little thing and it came out perfect. I had to make that first then I added it to book aesthetic this time.
Some other fun things that I did with this book took some pictures around the house with it. I don't like my Instagram to look all the same I like to see books in the wild so I've been taking pictures around the house when I feel like it or when I'm out and about. So since my wall was dry I took this cute little picture (below) of the naked book with my naked wall. You can still see the painters tape everywhere because I was still doing touch-ups and the floor hasn't started yet. I still have some more touch-ups to do. Then I while I was sitting outside I took a picture of a stack of books that I had on my table. If I was smart I would've pulled my book I was read out and let it sit in front of the stack, but for now, this is okay.
If you guys have a better format for me adding pictures please let me know because I'm always so stumped when I place pictures throughout the blogs so sometimes they look like I just threw them in. Plus if you want me to make a different type of format. I've been thinking about adopting the rating system that Audible uses so like a rating for characters, the story overall, and maybe writing style. I don't know, just something I've been thinking about. Until next time my beautiful fellow readers!
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